Blog Bd et blabla d'une maman au Japon. Webcomic blog and blabla of a mom in Japan. 外国人ままの漫画ブロ`とか。
lundi 31 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(27)
Nous entrons enfin dans le bain! C'est magique.L'air pur. Mes enfants. Le bonheur./Rideau/Chapeau de douche.
We finally enter the bath! It is magic.The air is pure. My kids. Happiness. /Curtain/shower cap.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
trip from Tokyo,
trip hakone,
温泉の 絵日記,
Pays/territoire :
vendredi 28 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(26)
Le bebe m'a vomi dessus apres que j'ai enleve mes vetements pour entrer dans le onsen.
The baby threw up on me after I removed my clothes to enter in the onsen.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
trip from Tokyo trip hakone,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo,
Pays/territoire :
jeudi 27 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(25)
On a mange des friandises en attendant que le bain se remplisse.
We ate some sweets while the bathtub was filling up.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
trip from Tokyo,
trip hakone,
温泉の 絵日記,
Pays/territoire :
mercredi 26 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(24)
C'est mai, il pluviote, il fait frais, c'est parfait pour le onsen./ Air super pur et frais.
It is may , it is a little bit rainy./Air is super pure and fresh.
mardi 25 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(23)
La chambre est magnifique on est sous le charme. /Entree. Placard.Salle de bain.Lampe.Salle tatami.TV. Plante.Lit.Table de nuit et controle.Bain japonais.tables et chaises.Balcon
The room is gorgeous we are under its charm./Entrance.Closet.Bathroom.Lamp.Tatami room.Plant.Bed.Night table and its control.Japanese bath.Table and chair.Balcony.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
trip from Tokyo,
trip hakone,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Pays/territoire :
lundi 24 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(22)
*L'employe m'explique comment utiliser le bain public, mais comme le bebe est en couche je ne peux pas l'utiliser. Pendant ce temps l'autre employe donne des bonbons a ma fille./En prend 4./Ne dis pas merci/ "Ok..."
*The employe explains to me how to use the public bath but as the baby still wears diapers I cannot use it. During that time the other employe gives candy to my daughter./She takes 4 of them./Does not say thank you/"Okay..."
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
jenna no manga,
trip hakone,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo,
Pays/territoire :
vendredi 21 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(21)
* Je me suis assise dans le canape comme des etrangers demandaient des renseignements./"Oh c'est beau!"
*I sat in the couch as some foreigners were asking for directions./"Oh it is gorgeous!"
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
jenna no manga,
Let's go onsen,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo,
Pays/territoire :
jeudi 20 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(20)
*Le parking est sur 2 niveaux au meme etage! /Employe qui m'a aide a monter les quelques marches avec ma poussette.
*The parking is on two levels on the same floor!/Employe that helped me climb a few stairs with my stroller.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
jenna no manga,
Let's go onsen,
trip from Tokyo,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo,
Pays/territoire :
mercredi 19 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(19)
*L'hotel est en haut d'une grosse cote. Je laisse mes valises a l'entree avant de me garer. /"Wow ca monte!"/"Yoroshiku!"..Mon bazard/ Le parking est au sous-sol.
*The hotel is on top of a big slope. I leave my suitcases at the entrance before parking the car./"Wow what a slope!"/"Yoroshiku!"..My mess/The parking is under the hotel.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
jenna no manga,
Let's go onsen,
trip from Tokyo,
温泉の 絵日記,
Pays/territoire :
lundi 17 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(18)
*On arrive enfin dans la montagne , ca tourne, il y a beaucoup d'arbres on est sous le charme./"Regarde la montage!"/"Ouah!"/A un peu peur sur les petites routes.
*We arrive in the mountain, it turns, there are a lot of trees, we are under the nature's charm./"Look at the mountain!"/"Wow"/Is a bit scared on small roads.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
jenna no manga,
Let's go onsen,
trip from Tokyo,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Pays/territoire :
dimanche 16 juillet 2017
I am sorry I can't - Leaving youtube - Jenna no manga
It is not clickbait, I am leaving YouTube. Let's talk about YouTube and balancing life and video making.
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
balancing life and youtube,
jenna no manga,
leave youtube,
leaving youtube,
life of a youtuber,
married in Japan,
Mom in Japan,
quit youtube,
quitting youtube,
vlogging in japan,
woman in japan
Pays/territoire :
samedi 15 juillet 2017
New aquarium penguin space - Sunshine city Ikebukuro, Japan- Jenna no manga
There is a new fantastic outdoor space in Sunshine city 's aquarium in Ikebukuro. So I take you with me when I finally was able to check it out!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
aquarium tokyo,
cheap in tokyo,
jenna no manga,
sightseeing spot in tokyo,
sightseeingspot in ikebukuro,
sunshine aquarium,
sunshine city,
sunshine city aquarium,
Pays/territoire :
vendredi 14 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(17)
*Je bois une boisson caffeinee et c'est reparti! On est restee 2 heures sur l'aire de repos./Remontee a bloc!
*I drink an energy drink and we are on the road again! We stayed 2 hours on the rest area./I have enery again!
Sailor Moon Make up - The cutest japanese make up - Jenna no Manga
To live my Sailor Moon dreams I purchased a lot of Sailormoon make up! MOON PRISM POWER MAKE UP !! It is a haul video of japanese make up ^^.
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
japanese cosmetic,
japanese make up,
jenna no manga,
sailor moon,
sailor moon cosmetic,
sailor moon make up,
Pays/territoire :
jeudi 13 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(16)
*Je commence a etre tres fatiguee mais je dois donner le biberon et changer le bebe./S'ennuie/Met du lait partout bouge la tete/Table a langer/Micro onde/eau pour biberon.
*I start to be very tired but I have to give the bottle and change the baby./Bored/Puts milk everywhere moves the head/changing table/Microwave/water for bin.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
jenna no manga,
Let's go onsen,
温泉の 絵日記
Pays/territoire :
Beer for kids?! - Weird japanese candy - Jenna no manga reviews
Let's taste a weird japanese candy that turns into a beer for kids!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
beer candy,
beer for kids,
candy taste,
japanese beer,
japanese candy,
japanese kids beer,
jenna no manga,
kids beer,
tasting japanese candy,
vlogging in japan
Pays/territoire :
mercredi 12 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(15)
*On mange au restaurant finalement et on se retrouve a manger un repas délicieux mais ma fille recrache et le bebe me vomit dessus!!/Pleine de taches
*We end up at the restaurant in the end et we end up eating a delicious meal but my daughter spits out and the baby vomits on me!!/covered with stains.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
jenna no manga,
Let's go onsen,
trip from Tokyo,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Beautiful sky view of Tokyo - Free in Shinjuku, Japan - Jenna no manga
Let's admire Tokyo from the sky in Shinjuku, Japan. The Tokyo Metropolitan building is free to enter, a cheap sightseeing spot!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
cheap in japan,
cheap in tokyo,
free in japan,
free in tokyo,
tokyo metropolitan building,
tokyo towers,
tokyo vs japanese countryside,
vlogging in japan
mardi 11 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(14)
*Les WC sont super modernes, il y a des ecrans qui montrent les WC vides, le type de WC etc../Libre/Occupe/ WC japonais/WC occidentaux/WC avec siege bebe/WC handicapes.
*The toilets are really modern, there are screens to show the empty toilets, the type of toilets etc.../ Free/Occupied/japanese toilets/Western toilets/Toilets with baby sit/toilets for the disabled.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
jenna no manga,
Let's go onsen,
trip from Tokyo,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Pays/territoire :
At home foot treatment!- Weird japanese products - Jenna no manga reviews
This at home foot treatment spa is from the japanese drugstore Donki hotte that sells a lot of weird japanese products. Is it good or bad?!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
at home foot treatment,
feet spa,
feet treatment,
feet video,
foot spa,
foot treatment,
foot video,
jenna no manga,
Pays/territoire :
lundi 10 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(13)
*J'ai reveille ma fille et direction les WC une fois sur l'aire de repos. Il y avait beaucoup de stands de nourriture et de restaurants. "J'ai faim!" / Brochettes/patisseries.
* I woke up my daughter and we went to the bathroom once on the rest area. There was a lot of food and restaurants. "I am hungry"/Meat stick/patisseries.
*RAに着いたら 娘を起こしてトイレへ行きました。「おなかすいた!」/焼き鳥/お菓子
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Pays/territoire :
What I hate in Japan...- Things I hate in Japan - Jenna no Manga
Today I have a bit of a sad talk for my Jenna no manga talk series. I love a lot of things in Japan but here are the things I do hate...
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
jenna no manga,
things i hate in japan,
things to know about japan,
what I hate in japan,
what to know before coming to japan
Pays/territoire :
dimanche 9 juillet 2017
Crepe for one person recipe - Jenna no manga cooks
Quick and easy crepe recipe for one person!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
crepe for one,
crepe for one person,
crepe for one person recipe,
crepe recipe,
jenna no manga,
recipe for one person,
Pays/territoire :
samedi 8 juillet 2017
Learn musical notes and music vocabulary in French - Express lesson - Jenna no manga
Let's learn French musical notes and french music and piano related vocabulary. Warning I sing in this video and I am not a good singer XD
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
french lesson,
french lesson video,
french lesson youtube,
learn french,
learn french musical notes,
musical notes in french,
piano lesson in french,
Japanese women most kept secret - Having your periods in Japan - Jenna no manga reviews
I will share japanese women most kept secret in this haing your periods in Japan video. You might think it is TMI so you have been warned this videos is about period goods in Japan!!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
having your periods in japan,
japanese pad,
japanese period pad,
japanese women most kept secret,
jenna no manga,
Pays/territoire :
vendredi 7 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(12)
*Mon mari avait repere les aires de repos avec restaurants. J'avais tres envie d'aller aux WC mais la premiere aire de repos etait pleine! "Pourvu que la prochaine soit libre." ZZZZ
*My husband had checked the rest areas with restaurants. I really wanted to go to the bathroom but the first area was full! "I hope the next one will have spots." ZZZZZ
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
trip from Tokyo,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
jeudi 6 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(11)
*Une fois sur l'autoroute je realise que j'ai pris les carnets de sante mais pas la tetined du bebe."Oh non..."/Tout le monde dort.
*Once on the freeway I realize that I took the health records but not the baby's pacifier. "Oh no..."/Everybody sleeps.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Pays/territoire :
Children friendly CAT CAFE- Nekorobi - Jenna no manga
Let's go to the cutest cat cafe in Tokyo that welcomes babies and children in Tokyo,Japan.
I filmed with my Iphone 6 plus...
I filmed with my Iphone 6 plus...
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
cat cafe,
cat cafe kids,
children freindly cat cafe,
kids friendly cat cafe,
neko cafe,
neko cafe kids,
theme cafe,
theme cafe japan,
theme restaurant,
tokyo vs japanese countryside,
Pays/territoire :
So gross and fun! - Slime play review! - Jenna no manga reviews
I bought Slime play for my daughter and we made a mess and had some fun with it it is kind of gross let's be honest!
You can get some on amazon : US :
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
easy slime,
gelli baff,
gelli baff review,
how to make slime,
jenna no manga,
non toxic slime,
slime for kids,
slime play,
slime play review,
Pays/territoire :
mercredi 5 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(10)
*Ma fille etait tres impatiente. Elle a pris ses jouets et on est parties. "En route!" /Un camion bloque la route 3 metre plus loin.
*My daughter could not wait. She took her toys and we left. "Let's go!"/ A truck is blocking the road 3 meters later.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
mardi 4 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(9)
* On part le bebe qui a deja change de bavoir vomit encore.../3000 change et bavoirs
*We are leaving and the baby that has already changed bib vomitts again.../3000 change of clothes and bibs.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Cute Sylvanian cafe - Theme restaurant in japan - Jenna no manga travels
The cutest theme restaurant in Japan might be the Sylvanian cafe. You will not regret going especially if you are a fan of this famous japanese toys !
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
sylvanians restaurant,
theme cafe,
theme cafe japan,
theme restaurant,
theme restaurant japan,
tokyo vs japanese countryside,
lundi 3 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(8)
*Je change le bebe et lui donne le biberon avant de partir finalement.On part donc a 10h50 au lieu de 10h (Ca reste raisonnable) /Dessin anime.
*I change the baby and give her milk before finally leaving. So we leave at 10:50 instead of 10:00 (It is still reasonnable)/ Cartoon.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Tired of being a foreigner in japan!?- I hate this too!! - Jenna no manga talks
Being tired of being a foreigner in Japan is a thing! Let's react to the video Of another channel talking about that exactly and I will give my honest opinion. The channel is called gimmeaflakeman and the video I am talking about can be find here :
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
being a foreigner in japan,
how is it to be a foreigner in japan,
jenna no manga,
life in japan,
life of a foreigner in japan,
Pays/territoire :
samedi 1 juillet 2017
How to say I love you in French - Express Love lesson - Easy express French lesson-Jenna no manga
How do you say I love you in French and a lot of love related vocabulary in this express French lesson!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
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Libellés :
basic french,
easy french lesson,
french introduction,
french lesson beginner,
french lesson youtube,
How to say i love you in French,
i love you in french,
jenna no manga,
learn french
French toast recipe for 1 person - Quick and easy cooking with jenna no manga
Here is one of my go to breakfast recipe. French toast for one anyone? This recipe is very easy and quick to make for a balanced breakfast if you add some fruits or else :)
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US) (JP) :
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