Blog Bd et blabla d'une maman au Japon. Webcomic blog and blabla of a mom in Japan. 外国人ままの漫画ブロ`とか。
mardi 4 juillet 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(9)
* On part le bebe qui a deja change de bavoir vomit encore.../3000 change et bavoirs
*We are leaving and the baby that has already changed bib vomitts again.../3000 change of clothes and bibs.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo