Blog Bd et blabla d'une maman au Japon. Webcomic blog and blabla of a mom in Japan. 外国人ままの漫画ブロ`とか。
vendredi 30 juin 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(7)
*Le jour J je parle a une amie a qui je n'ai pas parle depuis longtemps. Je realise que je n'ai pas pris les couches de ma fille et les medicaments... car pas ecrits sur la liste./Liste incomplete/blabla.
*The D day I talk to a friend that I have not spoken to in a long time. I realize that I did not take my daughter's diaper.. as they were not on my liste/ List that is uncomplete/ blablabla
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
foreigner in japan,
Let's go onsen,
married in Japan,
Mom in Japan,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Pays/territoire :
jeudi 29 juin 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(6)
*La veille ma mere m'a appele pendant que je faisais ma valise. Je répondais a moitie en suivant ma liste."Euh oui..."
*The day before my mom called while I was packing. I was distractedly answering while following the list. "Hum yes.."
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
married in Japan,
Mom in Japan,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Pays/territoire :
mercredi 28 juin 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(5)
*Je montre a mon mari et suggere que ce soit mon cadeau de fete des meres. A ma grande surprise il accepte. "Okay amusez vous bien"/Apparence/En vrai.
*I show my husband and suggest that it would be my mother day present. To my surprise he accepts. "Have fun okay"/Appearence/In reality.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
Let's go onsen,
married in Japan,
Mom in Japan,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
How to make a quick frozen shake with kids - Momitto shaken- Jenna no Manga reviews
Momitto shaken is a japanese cooking toy to make frozen shake like beverage with cup dessert. I review it honestly in this video.
You can get it on amazon Japan if you want it : (affiliated)
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
(JP) :
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mardi 27 juin 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(4)
*Je choisis une auberge avec bain sur le balcon dans la chambre. Et je pense payer avec mes economies d'argent de poche.
*I choose an inn with bath on the balcony. I think I'll pay with my pocket money's savings.
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
foreigner in japan,
jenna no manga,
Let's go onsen,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
The secret black Buddha in Japan- Tokyo VS-Tokyo daibutsu in Jorenji - Jenna no manga travels
Most of the people interested in Japan know about the famous Buddha in Kamakura less know that there is a stunning black Buddha in Tokyo itself!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
(JP) :
♥ Click to subscribe here:
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And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
black buddha,
buddhist temple,
cheap japan,
jenna no manga,
tokyo vs japanese countryside,
visiting a japanese shrine,
vlogging in japan,
woman in japan
lundi 26 juin 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(3)
*Besoin d'un break j'en fais trop. Je cherche le meme genre d'hotel sur Internet.(Plan bienvenue bebe/gratuit pour les moins de 3 ans)
*Need a break I do too much. I look for the same kind of hotel on the Internet. (Welcome baby plan/Free for under 3 years old)
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
jenna no manga,
Let's go onsen,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
WORST DATE EVER! -What did he do?! -Storytime - Jenna no manga talks
Let's talk about our worst date ever!
To find out what happenned listen to this funny storytime with my then boyfriend!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
(JP) :
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And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
foreigner in japan,
how i met my japanese husband,
jenna no manga,
live forever in japan,
married in Japan,
Mom in Japan,
worst date ever
Pays/territoire :
dimanche 25 juin 2017
Hydrangea's night festival in Toshimaen attraction park - Tokyo VS- Jenna no Manga travels
Hydrangeas are called ajisai in Japanese and as it is rainy season in Japan we got to enjoy the festival by night in Toshimaen!
Flowers everywhere!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
(JP) :
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And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
beautiful japanese garden,
cheap japan,
foreigner in japan,
japanese garden,
jenna no manga,
tokyo vs japanese countryside,
toshimaen park,
Pays/territoire :
Clothes in French lesson - French express easy lesson with Jenna no manga
Quick French lesson to learn clothes vocabulary in French it is very easy and fast!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
(JP) :
(JP) :
♥ Click to subscribe here:
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And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
basic french,
clothes in french,
easy french lesson,
french for kids,
french lesson video,
french lesson youtube,
jenna no manga,
learn french
vendredi 23 juin 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(2)
*Mais impossible de mettre la main sur le magazine pendant plusieurs mois.(FBI portes disparus/ Se tiens enfin debout)
*But I could not find the magazine anymore for several months. (FBI without a trace/can finally stand up)
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
japanese countryside,
Let's go onsen,
Mom in Japan,
trip from Tokyo,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
I like guys with big bellies! Google feud VS people's secrets -Jenna no manga plays
Let's play google feud and have some fun.
People's search history reveal there dark secret.
Will you guess them?
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
(JP) :
♥ Click to subscribe here:
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And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
fun online game 2017,
google feud,
jenna no manga,
let's play,
jeudi 22 juin 2017
Let's go to Onsen! Allons au Onsen! 温泉へ行こう!(1)
*Quand ma mere est venue j'ai achete un magazine pour parents voulant voyager avec un bebe dans une auberge japonaise. (Tremble tiens a peine debout/routes/témoignages,lieux pour se reposer/liste pour savoir quoi emmener)
*When my mom came I bought I bought a magazinefor parents that want to travel with a baby to a japanese inn. (Can barely stand up /roads/interviews/rest areas/list about what to bring)
Libellés :
allons au onsen,
blog Bd,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
foreigner in japan,
Let's go onsen,
trip hakone,
温泉の 絵日記,
温泉へ行こう trip from Tokyo
Kawaii Monster Cafe ! - Theme restaurant in Japan - Tokyo VS- Jenna no manga travels
One of the best theme restaurant in Tokyo is the Kawaii Monster Cafe.
It was a crazy experience and I really wanted to share this video on Youtube.
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
(JP) :
♥ Click to subscribe here:
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And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
cheap japan,
foreigner in japan,
jenna no manga,
kawaii monster cafe,
monster cafe,
theme cafe,
theme cafe japan,
theme restaurant,
theme restaurant japan,
tokyo vs japanese countryside
What a japanese house is like - Old Japanese house tour - Tokyo VS - Jenna no manga travels
I want to show you what a traditionnal japanese house is like.
Let's tour a japanese farmer's house.
Japanese home design is beautiful in my opinion. This is in Sankeien garden in Yokohama surrounded by gorgeous nature!
Music: The Voyage par Audionautix est distribué sous la licence Creative Commons Attribution (
Artiste : __url_artiste__
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
(JP) :
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And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Affiliated links
Libellés :
beautiful japanese garden,
how is a japanese house like,
japanese garden,
japanese home design,
japanese house,
japanese house tour,
jenna no manga,
trip from Tokyo,
what is a japanese house like
lundi 19 juin 2017
Stay tuned...Ne quittez pas...もうちょっとで。。
J'ai decide de me commander une nouvelle imprimante avec scanner.
Je voulais prendre des photos de mes dessins mais sans l'application blogger c'est un peu galere!
Un peu de patience, mon logiciel de dessin ne marchant pas je vais me lancer avec le carnet de voyage...
I have decided to order myself a new printer with scanner.
I wanted to take pictures of my drawings but without the blogger app it is too much of a hassle!
A bit more patience my drawing software is not working so I will start with the travel diary...
Je voulais prendre des photos de mes dessins mais sans l'application blogger c'est un peu galere!
Un peu de patience, mon logiciel de dessin ne marchant pas je vais me lancer avec le carnet de voyage...
I have decided to order myself a new printer with scanner.
I wanted to take pictures of my drawings but without the blogger app it is too much of a hassle!
A bit more patience my drawing software is not working so I will start with the travel diary...
Jenna no Manga
How to re-pot a plant - Repotting a flower you bought easily - Jenna no manga
Repotting a plant that you own or just buy is very easy.
In this video that has some ASMR/glove loving tune to it I will show you how to do just that quickly.
I re-pot several plants and flowers so that you can remember the process once and for all. My new gardening addiction!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
(JP) :
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And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
beautiful japanese garden,
cheap japan,
how to re-pot a flower,
how to re-pot a plant,
jenna no manga,
repotting plants,
reppotting flowers,
Pays/territoire :
samedi 17 juin 2017
At the table- Express French lesson with Jenna no manga
Today let's learn French vocabulary "at the table".
It is a quick and easy lesson for beginners learning French!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US) (JP) :
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Thanks from the support ♥
Today let's learn French vocabulary "at the table".
It is a quick and easy lesson for beginners learning French!
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US) (JP) :
♥ Click to subscribe here:
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Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
at the restaurant french,
at the table french,
easy french lesson,
french lesson at the table,
french lesson beginner,
french lesson restaurant,
french lesson youtube,
jenna no manga,
learn french,
vendredi 16 juin 2017
A walk in a japanese garden - Sightseeing spot in Omiya, Saitama - Jenna no manga
Let's have a relaxing walk in Saitama , in a japanese garden.
More peace and beauty from the japanese countryside.
This is a lost video too.
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US) (JP) : ♥ Click to subscribe here: Check out the free webcomic about us : And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
beautiful japanese garden,
cheap japan,
free in japan,
hikawa shrine,
japanese countryside,
japanese garden,
japanese garden omiya,
jenna no manga,
omiya city sightseeing,
sightseeing spot in saitama
Pays/territoire :
jeudi 15 juin 2017
How to watch Youtube/Netflix on your TV - Amazon Fire TV stick review-Jenna No Manga
Let's review the amazon Fire TV stick!
I will show you how to watch Youtube, Netflix and Amazon prime on your TV with this very simple device.
To buy one from the US (both affiliated):
In Japan :
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US) (JP) :
♥ Click to subscribe here: Check out the free webcomic about us : And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
amazon fire tv stick review,
fire tv stick review,
How to watch netflix on tv,
how to watch youtube on tv,
jenna no manga,
review fire tv stick,
watch netflix on tv,
watch youtube on tv
Libellés :
4 KO Manga,
Carnet de voyage illustre au onsen (Onsen Illustrated diary),
New project.Nouveau projet.新しいプロジェクト。
EN/JP below /その下。
De retour avec un nouveau projet de BD pour ce site.
Je vais publier mon carnet de voyage au onsen sur le site.
Je suis encore entrain de le colorier avec mes fabercastells pour etre honnete donc je ne publierai qu' une page a la fois.
Mon scanner ne marchant pas je pense prendre des photos et les telecharger.
Pas pratique non.
J'annonce le retour de mes BDs tres bientot meme si je n'ai pas verifie si ma tablette marche toujours, et si je peux reinstaller manga studio.
Pour organiser le tout je vais creer quatre categories sur le blog :
- 4 KO Manga (mes BDs a quatre cases)
- Carnet de voyage au onsen
- Youtube videos (en anglais pour le moment pas le temps pour les sous-titres)
- Illustrations (des dessins a l'aquarelle et autre)
Les commentaires resteront desactives sur le blog, ils sont actifs sur ma chaines. A bientot!
Back with a new comic project for this site.
I will publish my illustrated travel diary on this site.
I am still drawing with my fabercastells so to be honest I will publish one page at a time.
My scanner is not working so I will take pictures and upload them I think.
Not really practical indeed.
I announce that my comics will be back soon even if I have not checked if my tablet is still working or if I can reintall manga studio.
To organize all that I will create four categories for the blog :
- 4 KO Manga (mes BDs a quatre cases)
- Illustrated travel diary
- Youtube videos
- Illustrations (watercolor or else)
The comments will still be disabled on the blog but they are active on my channel. See you soon!
- 4 KO Manga (mes BDs a quatre cases)
- Carnet de voyage au onsen (温泉の絵日記)
- Youtube videos (英語)
- Illustrations (水彩など)
Amazon links are affiliated/アマゾンのリンクはアフィリエイト
De retour avec un nouveau projet de BD pour ce site.
Je vais publier mon carnet de voyage au onsen sur le site.
Je suis encore entrain de le colorier avec mes fabercastells pour etre honnete donc je ne publierai qu' une page a la fois.
Mon scanner ne marchant pas je pense prendre des photos et les telecharger.
Pas pratique non.
J'annonce le retour de mes BDs tres bientot meme si je n'ai pas verifie si ma tablette marche toujours, et si je peux reinstaller manga studio.
Pour organiser le tout je vais creer quatre categories sur le blog :
- 4 KO Manga (mes BDs a quatre cases)
- Carnet de voyage au onsen
- Youtube videos (en anglais pour le moment pas le temps pour les sous-titres)
- Illustrations (des dessins a l'aquarelle et autre)
Les commentaires resteront desactives sur le blog, ils sont actifs sur ma chaines. A bientot!
Back with a new comic project for this site.
I will publish my illustrated travel diary on this site.
I am still drawing with my fabercastells so to be honest I will publish one page at a time.
My scanner is not working so I will take pictures and upload them I think.
Not really practical indeed.
I announce that my comics will be back soon even if I have not checked if my tablet is still working or if I can reintall manga studio.
To organize all that I will create four categories for the blog :
- 4 KO Manga (mes BDs a quatre cases)
- Illustrated travel diary
- Youtube videos
- Illustrations (watercolor or else)
The comments will still be disabled on the blog but they are active on my channel. See you soon!
- 4 KO Manga (mes BDs a quatre cases)
- Carnet de voyage au onsen (温泉の絵日記)
- Youtube videos (英語)
- Illustrations (水彩など)
Amazon links are affiliated/アマゾンのリンクはアフィリエイト
Libellés :
best books about japan,
black in japan,
blog Bd,
foreigner in japan,
free in japan,
jenna no manga,
maman au Japon,
married in Japan,
Mom in Japan,
woman in japan,
Pays/territoire :
mercredi 14 juin 2017
How to visit a japanese shrine - Beautiful Hikawa shrine in Saitama -Jenna No Manga
How to visit a japanese shrine might be a question first time visitors ask themselves.
I made this video hoping it can help people feel confident during their trip to Japan.
This is another lost video this is why the filming might seem odd.
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US) (JP) :
♥ Click to subscribe here:
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Libellés :
cheap japan,
hikawa shrine,
how to visit a japanese shrine,
jenna no manga,
omiya city sightseeing,
saitama prefecture sightseeing,
sightseeing spot in saitama,
visiting a japanese shrine
Pays/territoire :
mardi 13 juin 2017
The day I found out - Pregnancy test VS Ovulation test in Japan - Jenna No Manga
♡ The day I found out I was pregnant I made this video. I never uploaded it but I wanted to share my chaotic pregnancy test experience.
In Japan the instructions are in Japanese with some English but I am French and I was so nervous XD
To buy the same pregnancy test online in Japan: (affiliate)
★ My camera is a 4K point and shoot Panasonic FZ-1000 : (US)
(JP) :
♥ Click to subscribe here:
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And check more videos! (=^ . ^=) Thanks from the support ♥
Libellés :
how to read a pregnancy test,
how to use a pregnancy test,
jenna no manga,
ovulation test as pregnancy test,
pregnancy announcement,
pregnancy test in japan,
Pays/territoire :
Getting a divorce a Japan and the RIKON ALERT -Jenna no manga
I received so many : how did you meet your japanese husband?
I so want to
live in Japan forever and marry a japanese man.
But the truth is getting
married in Japan does not mean you will get a happy ending.
In this
video I talk about getting a divorce in Japan.
It is a serious topic but
if it can help someone it is worth it.
Links :
Rikon alert article :
Legal office that created the RIKON ALERT :
Wikipedia divorce and marriage in Japan informations :
-Jenna no manga
Libellés :
divorced in japan,
foreigner in japan,
getting a divorce in japan,
how i met my japanese husband,
jenna no manga,
live forever in japan,
married in Japan,
Mom in Japan,
woman in japan
Pays/territoire :
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