mercredi 6 avril 2016

日本で面白くない事。。Mauvaise expérience au Japon.Bad expérience in Japan.

 Le téléphone allait bien, mais l'appareil photo non. C'était un canon g7X  bien mais j'ai décidé de ne pas acheter le Canon g7x mark II . J'ai acheté le FZ-1000  de panasonic. Il était en solde XD

The phone was fine, but the camera was not. It iwas a canon g7X (this camera) nice, but I decided to not buy the Canon g7x mark II (this camera). I bought the FZ-1000 of panasonic (this camera) . It was on sale XD


The camera I used to vlog with is the Canon g7X :


The new version of the CanonG7X is the Mark II :

 But I bought The FZ-1000 this time. I love both camera's but I have no regret trying a bigger camera for vlogging ^^: