Elle dit "Go" avec une voix très aigue c'est trop mimi ^^
She sings "Go" in a very high pitch ^^
Blog Bd et blabla d'une maman au Japon. Webcomic blog and blabla of a mom in Japan. 外国人ままの漫画ブロ`とか。
vendredi 27 février 2015
アナ雪。La reine des neiges. Frozen.
jeudi 26 février 2015
赤ちゃんとフィットネスクラブ。La salle de gym avec un bébé. Fitness club with a baby.
She was looking for me and refused to go back to bed without me. To be honest I was not able to go to the gym very long XD
mercredi 25 février 2015
フィットネスクラブ。La salle de sport. The fitness club.
Elle allait bien après. Mais sur le coup j'ai eu mal au coeur...
She was fine after. But at that moment a bit sad...
She was fine after. But at that moment a bit sad...
mardi 24 février 2015
赤ちゃんと時差。Le décalage horaire avec un bébé 3. Jetlag with a baby 3.
Mini-chan se réveillait la nuit, et comme je ne faisais pas la sièste j'étais encore plus fatiguée!
Mini-chan was waking up during the night and as I was not napping I was even more tired!
lundi 23 février 2015
赤ちゃんと時差2。Le décalage horaire avec un bébé 2. Jetlag with a baby 2.
Quand on subit le décallage horaire il vaut mieux ne pas faire de sièste. On ne se réveillait pas !
When you are under the influence of Jelag, it is better to not nap. We could not wake up!
vendredi 20 février 2015
Get 2 free manga/comics! My japanese husband thinks I am crazy 1&2!
Libellés :
4 KO Manga
赤ちゃんと時差。Le décalage horaire avec un bébé. Jetlag with a baby.
Get for free both manga My japanese husband thinks I am crazy! Yes they ARE FINALLY FREE until the 22nd of February. You're welcome ;) :
Le décalage horaire j'y suis très sensible mais alors avec un bébé on a mit du temps à se remettre !
I am super weak facing jetlag but with a baby it took me even more time to go back to normal!
Le décalage horaire j'y suis très sensible mais alors avec un bébé on a mit du temps à se remettre !
I am super weak facing jetlag but with a baby it took me even more time to go back to normal!
jeudi 19 février 2015
パパベビーシター。Papa babysitter. Daddy babysitter.
Get the manga My japanese husband (still) thinks I am crazy on Kindle! Yes it is finally free!:
Recently I have been wanted to have more time for myself. Actually since Mini-chan was born I am taking care of her at 99/100%. Come on daddy!
mercredi 18 février 2015
買い物のお嬢様。Les reines du shopping. The shopping queens.
Il y a avait des inconvénients à rentrer au Japon aussi!
There disadvantages going back to Japan too!
Remember to get a free Manga My Japanese husband (still) thinks I am crazy this week :
There disadvantages going back to Japan too!
Remember to get a free Manga My Japanese husband (still) thinks I am crazy this week :
mardi 17 février 2015
(promotion sale ended) My Japanese husband (still) thinks I am crazy is availaible for free on Amazon (anglais seulement/英語のみ)
It is not free anymore but it is still good get it :)
My favorite blogger's new manga is available for free on amazon this week and it is really funny!!
On amazon USA :
My Japanese Husband (still) Thinks I'm Crazy (Texan & Tokyo Book 2)
Here is my review if the fact that this is fun and free is not enough to have you download it :
The author portrays herself and her husband in short humoristic comics about their life as an international couple in Japan.
Yes we are all the same, just humans and as such all different! Between cute stories about them and cultural shocks you can learn about Japan in an original way.
Even after almost 10 years in Japan I keep discovering new things, and if you are in an international relationship you might relate to the manga as well. I found myself nodding and saying SO TRUE!
My husband read the first one with me , but this time he did not get the chance to read it business trip, and surgery used all of his time!
So if you want to have a nice laugh reading a handmade comic do not hesitate, there is no catch!
And if you like it here is the link for her first comic!
Amazon USA: My Japanese Husband Thinks I'm Crazy: The Comic Book

It will be free for 4 to 5 days starting today. If it is not free yet just wait a bit :)
My favorite blogger's new manga is available for free on amazon this week and it is really funny!!
On amazon USA :
My Japanese Husband (still) Thinks I'm Crazy (Texan & Tokyo Book 2)
Here is my review if the fact that this is fun and free is not enough to have you download it :
The author portrays herself and her husband in short humoristic comics about their life as an international couple in Japan.
Yes we are all the same, just humans and as such all different! Between cute stories about them and cultural shocks you can learn about Japan in an original way.
Even after almost 10 years in Japan I keep discovering new things, and if you are in an international relationship you might relate to the manga as well. I found myself nodding and saying SO TRUE!
My husband read the first one with me , but this time he did not get the chance to read it business trip, and surgery used all of his time!
So if you want to have a nice laugh reading a handmade comic do not hesitate, there is no catch!
And if you like it here is the link for her first comic!
Amazon USA: My Japanese Husband Thinks I'm Crazy: The Comic Book
It will be free for 4 to 5 days starting today. If it is not free yet just wait a bit :)
lundi 16 février 2015
さよなら。Aurevoir. Goodbye.
C'était les vacances des aurevoirs! France, Martinique, France. Quelle aventure!
It was holidays full of goodbyes! France, Martinique, France. What an adventure!
It was holidays full of goodbyes! France, Martinique, France. What an adventure!
vendredi 13 février 2015
ベビーサイン。La langue des signes pour bébé. Baby signs.
La langue des signes pour bébé c'est pratique et mignon !
Baby signs are useful and cute!
Baby signs are useful and cute!
jeudi 12 février 2015
マルティニク35。Martinique 35.
C'était devenu un jeu! Je criais "J'ai trouvé un(e) blabla Aimé Césaire!" Aimé Césaire était un homme très respecté en Martinique.
It became a game! I shouted " I have found a tatata Aimé Césaire!" . Aimé Césaire was a respected man in Martinique.
It became a game! I shouted " I have found a tatata Aimé Césaire!" . Aimé Césaire was a respected man in Martinique.
mercredi 11 février 2015
マルティニク34。Martinique 34.
On m'a toujours dit de ne pas jouer avec les allumettes du coup j'ai eu beaucoup de mal à les allumer et quand le feu apparaissait j'étegnais le gaz...
I have always been told to not play with matches, and I had a hard time to light them on and when the fire appeared I turned off the gaz...
I have always been told to not play with matches, and I had a hard time to light them on and when the fire appeared I turned off the gaz...
mardi 10 février 2015
マルティニク33。Martinique 33.
C'est vraiment un bon souvenir! Je me demande parfois ce qu'elle pense :)
What a good memory! I sometimes wonder what she thinks :)
とてもいい思い出です!たまに彼女が何を考えているを知りたいね ^^
What a good memory! I sometimes wonder what she thinks :)
とてもいい思い出です!たまに彼女が何を考えているを知りたいね ^^
lundi 9 février 2015
マルティニク32。Martinique 32.
Dur retour à la réalité pour Mamie-chan XD
Tough way to come back to reality for Mamie-chan XD
Tough way to come back to reality for Mamie-chan XD
vendredi 6 février 2015
マルティニク31。Martinique 31.
Son doudou tombe souvent sur le sol et est plutôt sale, mais pour ma fille je lui fait un bisou quand même!
The stuffed animal is often on floor and is pretty dirty, but for my daughter I kiss it anyway !
The stuffed animal is often on floor and is pretty dirty, but for my daughter I kiss it anyway !
jeudi 5 février 2015
マルティニク30。Martinique 30.
Mini-chan reconnaissait son papa sur les photos dans le salon de ma grand-mère et essayait de les prendre à chaque fois, mais quand le vrai était sur l'écran elle préférait aller jouer. Pauvre K-san :p
Mini-chan recognized her dad on the pictures in my grand-mother's living room and was trying to take them everytime, but when the real one was on the screen she preferred to go play. Poor K-san :p
Mini-chan recognized her dad on the pictures in my grand-mother's living room and was trying to take them everytime, but when the real one was on the screen she preferred to go play. Poor K-san :p
mercredi 4 février 2015
マルティニク29。Martinique 29.
Le Club Med c'était bien mais il y avait des moustiques quand même et ça c'était pas très bien haha!
Club Med was great but there were moskitoes anyway, and that is not really great hehe!
クラブメッドは最高でも蚊がいっぱいいたね!それは最高ではない ^.^"
Club Med was great but there were moskitoes anyway, and that is not really great hehe!
クラブメッドは最高でも蚊がいっぱいいたね!それは最高ではない ^.^"
mardi 3 février 2015
マルティニク28。Martinique 28.
Hier je parlais des boissons à volonté au Club Med mais il y a aussi le buffet à volonté!!! Ma grand-mère , ma mère, ma fille et moi, nous sommes régalées !!!
Yesterday I was talking about the all you can drink bar of the Club Med, but there is also an all you can eat buffet! My grand-mother, my mother, my daughter and I enjoyed the food there!
Yesterday I was talking about the all you can drink bar of the Club Med, but there is also an all you can eat buffet! My grand-mother, my mother, my daughter and I enjoyed the food there!
lundi 2 février 2015
マルティニク27。Martinique 27.
Le bar à volonté du club med un de mes meilleurs souvenir car je suis accro au jus de goyave!!!
All you can drink bar is one of my best Club med memory, I am addict to guave juice!!
All you can drink bar is one of my best Club med memory, I am addict to guave juice!!
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